Faith quite enjoys doing 'school work' in the afternoons when she gets home from kindy. Actually it's a delicate balance between enjoying it and getting frustrated and telling me to go away.
She always loves it at the beginning and then if I correct her too much or ask her to repeat things too many times she tells me to go and do whatever I'm doing with Ella instead cause she's had enough of me!
Sometimes I tell her to call me Mrs Heke because I'm her teacher and she finds that so funny that she usually humors me and does as I ask.
One night last week when she did writing practise with Mrs Heke she was trying to write 'we had a bath'. What she wrote was like 'we hd a bf'. I try so hard to encourage her to sound out what she wants to write and put down the letters that it sounds like because after teaching in a Year 0 class last week, I know that's the basis of their writing. Simple sentences with simple words that they have to try and sound themselves. She's starting school in 24 sleeps so it's very exciting and daunting...I've waited for it for so long and now I don't really want to let her go!
Cool Faith! I want to see what the kids are like as teenagers but I want them to stay little at the same time!!! Such a catch 22