Friday 2 August 2013

Blog revamp and technology gratitude

I started this blog 2 year ago I think, and got off to a slow, or more like stop/start kind of beginning. Last year after seeing my sissy Aunty Nae documenting their fun family times I really saw the value of this kind of record keeping. And as I catch up on reading blogs every day or 2, I love the ideas and teachings I learn from others, and just plain happiness from seeing other people have fun times with their loved ones.

I've stuck to text and pictures and recently added one video which was very exciting (Seth's birthday slideshow here). This week I decided to learn more about how Blogger works and it was so fun. So my blog has had a bit of a revamp and will probably change a bit while I figure out what I want on it.

At this point I'm excited to have figured out how to put a link to the website and I've got 'past blog posts' and 'blogs I read' down the sidebar. 'Woohoo!' Not really rocket science but Seffy had a pretty lonely day they day I was figuring it out cause I kept saying....
'Mummy's busy, go and play'. Oops :(

And while I was playing around on it I felt so much gratitude for my job at Sherwood and all the things I learned to do on Apple Computers while I was there. Nothing I can do is super fancy, but it's just what I need to know to be able to make family movies, birthday slideshows, scrapbook pages for the kids Books of Rememberance etc, and that's all I need.

It seems that I spend so much of my time on the computer these days looking at

Maybe that's why when I can hear the girls calling me but I'm not answering them, I eventually hear one of them say something like 'Let's go, Mum's busy checking her messages again!

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