I've stuck to text and pictures and recently added one video which was very exciting (Seth's birthday slideshow here). This week I decided to learn more about how Blogger works and it was so fun. So my blog has had a bit of a revamp and will probably change a bit while I figure out what I want on it.
At this point I'm excited to have figured out how to put a link to the lds.org website and I've got 'past blog posts' and 'blogs I read' down the sidebar. 'Woohoo!' Not really rocket science but Seffy had a pretty lonely day they day I was figuring it out cause I kept saying....
'Mummy's busy, go and play'. Oops :(
And while I was playing around on it I felt so much gratitude for my job at Sherwood and all the things I learned to do on Apple Computers while I was there. Nothing I can do is super fancy, but it's just what I need to know to be able to make family movies, birthday slideshows, scrapbook pages for the kids Books of Rememberance etc, and that's all I need.
It seems that I spend so much of my time on the computer these days looking at
Lovin the new revamp :) x