Thursday 1 August 2013

Aunty Beezy and Uncle Pete have gone back to Oz :(

Aunty Beezy went back to Australia a couple of days ago....soooooo sad for us :(
It felt like someone was missing as soon as Uncle Pete left and now it feels like that again cause this time it's Aunty Beezy. We are so incredibly grateful that they came to live here for a year and that we had so much special time together. It's going to be weird not having them around anymore, especially when weekends, birthdays and family get togethers come around. No more Stoners!!!   :(

Very grateful for Skype, Facebook, blogs, phones so we can still stay close and connected!

The afternoon before she left, she came over for one last Ranui visit and she had some exciting goodies in her bag which  made the visit even better for the girls. Not that it had to be better. Faith's been telling people for a while now that her Aunty Beezy's going on a place back to Australia and her and McKay are going to go over there soon when they're 8.

Ella was in heaven immediately with a special little lipgloss tower

Faith looking in Aunty Beezy's goodie bag

The girls got $2 each to go to the dairy and then we went to the park for a few minutes
 I'd ummmed and aahhhed for a few days about going to the airport, only because I didn't know if Seth would be grizzly about it and have a little catnap in the car and not a proper sleep in his bed. But I knew I couldn't just do our grocery shopping knowing that Aunty Beezy was at the airport. So of course we made the trip out to say Au Revoir, or A bientot?!?! (it's been a while since I did French!)

Out of all the things in the Timezone, this is what she chose when Aunty Beezy gave her $2

Was cool to have one last play around and goodbye with Ah B

Faith was in the right place at the right time. The man servicing the rides gave her this big stash of lollies

When we picked Ella up from Kindy she was chuffed to show me that she knew where Aunty Beezy went on the airplane.

And this is where we live. She gets really excited when she finds NZ on the globe

1 comment:

  1. I do feel pretty special that I had so many people at the airport to see me off. That lippy tower has been hanging around for about 2 years waiting for a loving home to go to. And it couldn't have found a better recipient!! haha
